A couple of months ago we put a call out for some newly engaged couples to work with us on a personal photographic adventure. We wanted to create the ultimate heirloom, capturing as many different ways as possible who someones essence is.

And we want to see how much we can capture the excitement of being newly engaged. When Anna and I became engaged, we felt like we had invented something awesome that no one else had discovered (obviously people had been engaged before, but that’s how it felt to us)

Shannon and Dan answered that call out being newly engaged and loving outdoor adventures.

“We love to do things spontaneously and also make great memories. We love going to our special place in an open cave on the edge of a cliff in Caloundra and we love spending time with our family’s and little fur-baby. Most of all we just love each other’s company and it doesn’t matter what we are doing, as long as we are together we are making the most of everything.”


For us, video and photography are totally complimentary and we are at our best when we can combine the two in one session. We really feel that a combination of photographic tangibles, digital images and video is the ultimate collection to showcase a photoshoot.


An awesome photo should stand on its own, but CONTEXT is everything now; such a big part of what makes a photo special. We all use hashtags, location check ins, and typed descriptions for our Facebook/Instagram photos to really connect our photos to our viewers, whether it’s our daughter’s birthday party or a selfie in front of the Chrysler Building.

We’ve always done this – look through your grandmother’s photos and on the back will be a hand written note saying when, where and who of each particular photo.

So we want to see exactly how much context we could add. I love quotes and memes on social, but how much more would it mean if those quotes were from the people involved?


We want to be photographers that view engagement shoots as more than a practice for the wedding photos (seems like such a missed opportunity)

How did we go? – Kris :)

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