Poor Nadine.
I gave her literally 5 minutes notice that I was available for our shoot.
They had just returned from a walk when I hit them up (via messenger).
Sorry Nadine for being so random and giving you little time to prep. I wanted to keep it real and in the moment – nothing like an impromptu photo shoot to do that!!
I should probably mention at this point there was a bit of back and forth before just arriving out of the blue. To set the scene: it was a stormy looking afternoon and in my head I thought it could be a great representation of these “dark times” – well that’s how it felt back then. So I chose to do the shoot straight away. A couple of minutes later we met up on their driveway. We were setting up for the shot and it started to rain… and quite heavily too hahahahaha…
So we tried again the next morning. Success, it was beautiful and sunny!
I am mad at myself though because I forgot to do a shot to show the clouds :(
With COVID-19, kids have also been affected and I was curious to see what their thoughts were on it all. 72 days after first case.
Miss S answered the questions below:

How have you maintained your friendships?
I have maintained my friendships from either social media (i.e Skype) or Class/Zoom Meetings where they can chat with me.
What’s your thoughts on home schooling?
I find it a distraction for me as I get easily sidetracked by my pets and I also find it harder to focus and do the whole school work in the hour as they have given us a big school load.
What do you think about the Corona Virus?
That it is very dumb and stupid that a Chinese person thinks it would be yummy to eat a bat.
What is one thing you miss doing right now?
We were going to go camping at Fraser island but, we now have to hold it until a later date.
What is one thing you are enjoying about this time?
The relaxation and chill time which I get to spend more time with my family and pets. To also work on myself (making music or other things like doing things I enjoy just at home)

How would you describe what is happening right now – COVID19 ?
We are all in isolation to prevent an outbreak of COVID19. We are staying home and respecting social distancing.
How has this affected your family?
We are homeschooling and have not been able to go away for our planned holiday of Noosa and camping.
What is one thing that has surprised you about this event – positively or negatively?
It has been nice to relax and not have to be anywhere by a certain time. While we may not have been able to go out for dinner or socialise in a group, we have been catching up with friends via Zoom and FaceTime. I have also been pleasantly surprised by the sense of community in our suburb – people are out and about saying hello and checking on the neighbours to make sure everyone is okay.
What is one thing you will always remember about this time?
Getting to spend quality time at home with my children. Having some lovely pics of the occasion helps too!
What do you think is really important right now?
Social distancing.
What have you done to stay in touch with others?
Skpe, Zoom, texting and calling family and friends.
What is one thing that you miss right now?
Nadine is really missing her mum who lives in Brisbane and is isolating herself due to her age.
Does this scare you?
I’m scared that my parents could catch COVID or my children could become ill and have complications, particularly Lucia who has asthma.
What is one good thing that you hope will happen after this is all over?
That people will feel better connected to their community.