A big thanks has to go to Gill for the push I needed to start doing these Front Yard Portraits. I ran my idea past her and she loved it. So it was only right that she was the first one I photographed and be my first story to post, but because this is a growing project that has changed since we started, questions were answered recently.

The beauty about this project is that we will capture all these different stages of this COVID-19 time. So for this one Gill’s answers are from the 28th April about 5-6 weeks after it all began, she has had time to reflect on the situation before answering.

Gill’s business was also impacted by COVID-19 and with uncertainty in the market caused everything to be put on hold. By the way she runs an amazing styling business call Home Staging Toowomba and also has a beautiful bnb The Cubby Toowoomba.

Gill’s COVID-19 thoughts

How would you describe what is happening right now COVID-19?
The world is resetting and it’s a costly process. The cost of lives lost, jobs lost, financial security but the true and core values are being seen and quantified these are; family, neighbourhoods, essential services.

How has this affected your family?
Spending time with family is amazing. Discovering who these kids are and what makes them tick. I love it.

What is one thing that has surprised you about this event – Positively or negatively? How easily we’ve adapted to being a family in isolation. How much I’ve missed my riding buddies.

What is one thing you will always remember about this time?
The jobs I managed to get done and the family participation.

What do you think is really important right now?
Family and friends

What have you done to stay in touch with others?
Face to face (video) calls, phone calls,

What is one thing that you miss right now?
My husband as he working out of town and we felt it was safer for him to be there. Also coffee with friends and travel.

Does this scare you?
It did initially – but as we’ve adapted and managed, it doesn’t so much now. My biggest WTF moment was the panic buying and disregard for others.

What is one good thing that you hope will happen after this is all over? I hope our essential services are recognised and paid more appropriately for being so incredibly vital.

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